Saturday, February 9, 2013

Self-improvement and the Law of Attraction | Self-Improvement

Self-Improvement and Law of Attraction

It is not surprising at all that the concepts of self-improvement and the law of attraction are deeply connected and related. Without one, the other one would simply not work. Why? Simply put, a person who does not love himself enough to realize that he should improve himself will not be able to apply any concepts or processes to attract anything or anyone. Attraction does not simply happen to people who want to apply these laws, or they should have already done so in the first place. The reason people look into these laws and methods to attract whatever it is they want to attract is because their current situation does not result to anything. Thus, they look for these laws so they could have better chances at attracting things or to improve their lives. And yes, these laws require improvement, particularly in the way the person views himself.

People with unhealthy levels of self-esteem will definitely have a difficult time getting?favorable?results when adhering to these laws, precisely because they have a difficult time loving the people they primarily should ? themselves. They block goodness and positivity from coming into their lives. So, it would be a herculean task to visualize and believe that they will be attracting things, especially when they do not find themselves attractive.

These beliefs will definitely be huge blocks for a person with low self-esteem in following the law of attraction:

  • If a person believes that he is not good enough, nothing good will happen, much less will attraction occur.

Low self-esteem usually causes a person to compare himself to others, and resulting to that person finding himself lacking in certain levels. Whether it is a lack of physical attractiveness, intelligence, skills, or goodness, this is a factor that will lead to the next point.

  • A person with low self-esteem, when comparing, concludes that other people deserve everything more.

Since people with low-self-esteem think better of other people, they lead themselves to the conclusion that they are not deserving of attracting things, and that the other people, who they perceive to be better, are. Since they do not think of themselves as valuable compared to other people, they then do not deserve whatever it is they want, especially if other better people don?t get the same thing they want.

  • People with low self-esteem think that the universe is punishing them.

These people feel that whatever misfortune or adverse event that happens to them is inevitable, since they deserve it.? Whenever something good happens, they pass up the chance to enjoy it, since they do not believe they deserve it, and someone better is deserving of it.

In order for people with low self-esteem to have a crack at being successful in attraction, they have to first realize that self-improvement is a pertinent step. One of the biggest steps in improving oneself is improving the way a person views himself. Otherwise, the stumbling blocks mentioned earlier will definitely appear, hindering any chance of attracting anything.

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