Friday, December 7, 2012

When a College Degree Doesn't Matter in the Job Creation Equation

The US Labor Department releases its monthly employment numbers this morning. With every job lost or gained, there?s at least one economist wagging his or her finger about how the value of a college education is more and more important in today's tough job market.

But for Sharon Virts Mozer, founder and CEO of FCi Federal,?the answer is to ignore those college educated workers. Mozer believes that most employers overestimate the power of a four year degree. Instead, Mozer says, employers should take her advice, and hire only high school graduates, employees eager to train hard, work hard and stay loyal.

Mozer has created over 1000 jobs at FCi Federal,??a clerical staffing agency that matched workers with federal offices around the country that need reliable, honest people. She?is featured in the December issue of Inc. Magazine?as a hiring force in the American job market.


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