Monday, December 10, 2012

Looking for players for a tale of adventure!

So if anyone was here for the first go around of my RP's, you probably caught my post about an RP I called "Of the Pagelings". While I did like it, it kind of flopped, a lot due to inactivity on my own and several others' parts. Well now I've decided that a remake was in order. Soooooo... TADA! I present "Of the Pagelings: Another Chapter"! This remake is going to start right from the beginning, like the last. Anyone is welcome to join as long as 1) you follow the rules that either I or my Co-GM's lay out and 2) you don't degrade the story by writing in a style like "Omg and then they kissed lol." Seriously. No one likes that. Otherwise, you're welcome to join! We're always looking for new players, and if you've got a friend you think would do well or that you like to play with, invite them. After all the story does follow pairs, so you can have them watch your back so to speak! Looking forward to seeing everyone there!"I saw the traveler make his way toward the monolith,
That thin gash amidst the clouds;
An open seam between heaven and earth that eluded the Eye of God.

Or perhaps it had not; perhaps it beckoned from one realm
To the other, wedded And ruled as one;
For look how clean it splits the horizon 'twain, absorbs it,
Makes it Strange,
An indomitable beam,
A Tower of Heaven."


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