Sunday, July 28, 2013

'The Wolverine' claws way to top of box office

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? "The Wolverine" slashed monsters and minions to debut atop the weekend box office.

The Fox film featuring Hugh Jackman's sixth turn as the claw-wielding superhero opened with $55 million in North America, according to studio estimates Sunday.

Last weekend's top movie, Warner Bros.' low-budget horror "The Conjuring," slipped to second place, adding another $22.1 million to its take.

"Despicable Me 2" was in third with $16 million. The Universal animated sequel, with its cast of cute, yellow minions, has made more than $600 million worldwide since it came out four weeks ago.

"The Wolverine," which is set in Japan and features an international cast, earned another $86.1 million overseas. The film's opening-week take surpassed the $120 million it cost to make, said Chris Aronson, Fox's head of domestic distribution.

"It's a huge opening for the clawed one," he said. "It played equally well from Maine to Maui."

Another Fox film, the animated snail-racing tale "Turbo," was in fourth place with $13.3 million. Adam Sandler's "Grown Ups 2" followed with $11.5 million.

Woody Allen's latest, "Blue Jasmine," enjoyed a stellar opening of its own, though on a much smaller scale. Starring Cate Blanchett, the film opened in just six theaters but still collected $612,767.

"It's one of the biggest opening per-theater averages ever for a non-animated film," said Paul Dergarabedian of box-office tracker

Ticket sales this weekend were up almost 30 percent over the same weekend last summer, he said.

"It was a good weekend to be a moviegoer because the choices just got a lot more interesting," Dergarabedian said, noting a mix that includes animated, independent and big-budget action offerings.

"Fruitvale Station," the Sundance winner already generating Oscar buzz, expanded to theaters across the country and edged its way into the top 10, contributing to a summer box office that is up more than 10 percent over last year.


Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Where available, latest international numbers are also included. Final domestic figures will be released on Monday.

1. "The Wolverine," $55 million ($86.1 million international).

2. "The Conjuring," $22.1 million ($6.9 million international).

3. "Despicable Me 2," $16 million ($24.5 million international).

4. "Turbo," $13.3 million ($12.5 million international).

5. "Grown Ups 2," $11.5 million ($4.2 million international).

6. "Red 2," $9.4 million ($6.1 million international).

7. "Pacific Rim," $7.5 million ($14.25 million international).

8. "The Heat," $6.85 million ($3.1 million international).

9. "R.I.P.D.," $5.85 million ($3.1 million international).

10. "Fruitvale Station," $4.65 million.


Estimated weekend ticket sales at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada) for films distributed overseas by Hollywood studios, according to Rentrak:

1. "The Wolverine," $86.1 million.

2. "Fast & Furious 6," $25.3 million.

3. "Despicable Me 2," $24.5 million.

4. "White House Down," $19.8 million.

5. "Monsters University," $15.6 million.

6. "Pacific Rim," $14.25 million.

7. "Turbo," $12.5 million.

8. "The Conjuring," $6.9 million.

9. "Red 2," $6.1 million.

10. "World War Z," $5.6 million.


Follow AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen at .


Universal and Focus are owned by NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp.; Sony, Columbia, Sony Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics are units of Sony Corp.; Paramount is owned by Viacom Inc.; Disney, Pixar and Marvel are owned by The Walt Disney Co.; Miramax is owned by Filmyard Holdings LLC; 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight are owned by News Corp.; Warner Bros. and New Line are units of Time Warner Inc.; MGM is owned by a group of former creditors including Highland Capital, Anchorage Advisors and Carl Icahn; Lionsgate is owned by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.; IFC is owned by AMC Networks Inc.; Rogue is owned by Relativity Media LLC.


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Saturday, July 27, 2013

MD Gov. Martin O'Malley: "we have a planet to save and we have jobs to create"

Thank you very, very much for taking the time to be here today. ?I look around at this audience and I see the great strength that is our state- people who rise to the tough challenges instead of running away from them. ?Thank you to our Majority Leader Kumar Barve, our State's Chairman of Progress. Thank you to all of the members of the General Assembly, Democrats and Republicans, who are with us today. And again I want to thank all of you.

We've been able to accomplish some really important things in some of the toughest economic times. And you all should take some heart in that in what you have in one another. ?And what we have in each other.

There are not many states that have been able to make the progress that we've made. But part of the reason we've been able to make that progress is because we've been honest not only about the challenges we face but also in measuring them as openly and as accurately as we can; the pace of that progress, whether things are working or not working; and the degree to which they are working or not working.

This work is hard. ?It is not easy. It is life and death hard.

We are here today because climate disruption is real. It is not an ideological issue any more than gravity is. [Applause] ?It is physics, pure and simple. But our response to it is complex.

No state can escape the urgent responsibility of this moment. ?In fact, throughout our Great Revolutionary history, it is in exactly in moments like these, when Marylanders have always chosen to step up and to move ahead and that's why we are here today.

We are here today because we understand deep in our hearts that we do have a moral obligation to our children and to our grandchildren to give to them a planet that is not on the trajectory that we currently find ourselves in. A planet that is becoming increasingly more damaged, more polluted, more unhealthy.

The fierce urgency of these times, calls on all of us to move forward in this great change in human history. ?For all of our technological advances in transportation and the economies of extraction and depletion, the great challenge of our time is to move and shift especially when it comes to food and energy efficiency. ?We need to move from global economies of extraction to local economies of renewal and local economies of regeneration.

In order to do this we have to embrace a different way forward. ?Not ideological, hierarchical or bureaucratic but entrepreneurial, collaborative, performance-driven in terms of the way we live, in terms of the way we act and in terms of the way we lead.

If we want better results we have to make better choices.

The Problem

Facts are facts. ?The carbon content of our earth's atmosphere is higher now than it has been at any time in 3 million years.

And there's no coincidence that last year, there were more than 3,500 national weather records broken for heat, rain, and snow.

Nationally, 12 of the hottest years on record have occurred in just the last 15 years.

In our northeastern region, last year we experienced the hottest year on record.
These are not opinions; these are measures. They are facts agreed upon by 98% of the scientific community regardless of party affiliation.

And this is not only about icebergs melting, or polar bears drowning.

It's also, more locally, about the 168 Marylanders we've lost in severe weather events over the past decade and a half.

It's about children who suffer from Asthma, a leading cause of absenteeism in our elementary schools. ?It's about moms and dads rushed to the emergency room with heat stress. ?And it's about the 700 Americans who lose their lives each year in heat-related deaths.

It's also about the economic hits we take as family farms are literally burned out of business in record droughts that are happening with increased frequency and breadth. ?And the hits we will take if rising sea-levels swallow up a third of the Port of Baltimore, devastate Ocean City, and claim thousands upon thousands of Maryland homes that are scattered all around this long coastline of ours.

It's also about economic opportunity and job creation- two critical imperatives. Together, we have established Maryland as a regional leader in green job creation. ?That did not happen by accident, it happened because of the choices so many of you have made, through the actions you take, the votes you have cast and the choices you make.

We create more jobs when we work to advance cleaner, greener, more renewable energy sources like wind and solar than the alternative of importing ?and burning fossil fuels from other places.

According to the US Chamber of Commerce, Maryland has been named two years in a row the #1 state in America for innovation and entrepreneurship.

And with our miles of coastline, we also have the lesser distinction of being one of America's most vulnerable states to the effects of climate change in particular the effects of sea level rise. ?Sea-levels along our 3,200 miles of coastlines are rising three - and in some cases four - times faster than the global average. ?Thirteen islands in the Chesapeake have been swallowed up entirely.

As things stand, we lose 1.6 acres of our State's lands every day. ?And we're not alone. ?Louisiana loses even more land every day and Florida is in the same boat.

On a global level, climate change means an accelerated loss of bio-diversity, if unabated, will take entire species of plants and animals off the planet forever. "Great Hungers" of famine death in continental proportions.

Better Choices

In Maryland, together, we can use the prospect of a carbon constrained world as the means to invent a more prosperous future, and to drive innovation, and education, and industry, and jobs, and expansion of opportunity.

For the past six, going upon seven years, we in Maryland have set a number of goals. The most important goal we set is job creation. ?We have now recovered over 99% of the jobs we lost in the recession. We are moving forward not back.

But the goals we have set all feed and fuel our job creation goal. And among them are our sustainability goals. Three of those 16 goals pertain to energy. The one that we are here to talk primarily about today is reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2020. ?Another is to increase our Renewable Portfolio Standard by 20% by 2022. And the third is to reduce electricity consumption by 15% by 2015.

Working together, we've created one the largest cluster of green jobs in the region. And we've partnered with our community colleges and partners in labor- thank you Fred Mason [Applause]- to get more of our citizens the skills they need to compete and succeed in these green jobs;

Together, we've raised fuel economy standards. ?We have advanced electric car technology. And we have worked with GM to create hundreds of jobs building green electric motors in White Marsh;

We've reformed our tax code to better incentivize green building and sustainable development, we've insisted on building more energy efficient public buildings, and we've embraced the International Green Construction Code - in fact, we were the first state to do so.

What's more, we've made tough choices to secure the revenue to fix our roads and bridges, decrease traffic and with it, the poisonous emissions pumped into our atmosphere. ?We are moving forward together with those things we can only do together like the Red and Purple Line. ? And we've advanced Transit Oriented Development strategies to further decrease traffic and build more livable communities.

Together, we've advanced solar energy, on-shore wind, and off-shore wind. We've created tax incentives to help families install green energy systems in their homes, and to help entrepreneurs install them in their businesses. ?We've raised our Renewable Energy Portfolio - RPS - standards at times when other states have attempted to lower theirs.

Through EmPOWER Maryland, we've set some of the most ambitious goals in America for reducing consumption 15% by 2015.

And while other states, like New Jersey, are walking away from RGGI, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative ,... we in Maryland continue to believe that cap-and-trade is not an ideological, left-right issue; it's common sense and it's a smarter way forward.

Last, but not least, we passed landmark legislation which called upon our State to put together a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan - more on this in a moment.

Progress and Challenges Ahead

How are we doing? ?In some areas, we're making real and measurable progress. ?And in others we're falling short. ?Such is the nature of human progress.

We have, for example, increased the percentage of electricity we produce from renewable sources by nearly 40% since 2007.

We've grown our solar power sector from virtually non-existent eight years ago into an industry which employs 2,000 Marylanders and is estimated to create 10,000 more jobs in the years ahead.

We've increased light rail ridership by 44%, and overall public transit ridership 18%. ?All graphs that are clearly moving in the right direction.

We've decreased peak electricity demand by nearly 11% and consumption by more than 9%.

And we've partnered with 35 local governments throughout our state, including eight counties and Baltimore City, to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy and transportation petroleum reduction at the local-level.

But so far we are falling short of our goals to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions 25% by 2020. ?Right now, we are at only 5%. ?At this current pace, we will fall short.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan

So how will we close this gap? ?That's what we have been working collaboratively on with all sorts of stakeholders hearing every voice to come up with a Greenhouse Reduction Plan.

Our Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan is a set of initiatives, a roadmap, for how we move forward. ?Our Plan will create an estimated 37,000 jobs - and perhaps more. ? It will generate $1.6 billion into Maryland's economy. ?And it will move us closer toward our goals for reducing greenhouse emissions.

Better choices; better results.

A few of the choices in this plan:

We will advance cleaner, greener energy by raising, once again, our RPS [Applause] - the portion of our electric load that electric suppliers purchase from renewable sources. Today our RPS goal is 20%. ?We will get to at least 18% by 2020 and should hit the 20% goal by 2022.

Given this progress, we have everyone reason to believe we can raise our goal to 25%, achieve that goal and make up a large part of the gap in greenhouse gas reductions.

We will work together to exceed the EmPOWER Maryland goal of saving Maryland families money on their electric bills by reducing per capita electricity consumption and peak load demand by 15% by 2015. Our Maryland Energy Administration is actively working to learn what other states who are making progress towards these goals are doing to save their citizens money and reduce electricity consumption at a faster rate than we are in Maryland.

We will make good on the agreement we made with other states in our region through RGGI, to lower the cap from 165 million tons of poisonous carbon dioxide pumped into our atmosphere to 91 million tons.

We will take further action to double Maryland transit ridership by 2020. ?When I used to mention that goal before it seemed like a pipe dream but because of the tough choices that your legislators have made we are moving forward with the Red and Purple lines. But it's also about the way we choose to grow in smarter and more sustainable ways. ?To encourage Transit Oriented Development, I signed an Executive Order instructing state agencies to put new facilities near transit stations. ?We added more multilevel MARC trains to grow capacity. We are also making it easier and more convenient for Marylanders to take public transit with new electronic card readers at transit stations and more reliable, cleaner, greener locomotives.

We will improve the way we manage Maryland's forests working with nature to capture carbon pollution before it reaches our atmosphere. ?We will do this by enrolling the forests we don't yet manage into our nation-leading, award-winning management regimes.

We will team with families throughout our State to plant more trees [Applause]: 43,030 acres worth by 2020. ?That is a big task, we are all going to have to work together to achieve it but we have created the tools that will allow us to accomplish it like GreenPrint and AgPrint.

We are implementing an Adaption Strategy to make our state more resilient and prepared for the likelihood of climate-related weather events. ?As part of this strategy, last year, I signed an Executive Order which directs new and reconstructed state structures, to be planned and constructed to avoid or minimize future flood damage. ?This is an area where we may need to do more work in next year's General Assembly. We need to better and more directly articulate that sea level rise inundation and the threat it poses to human health and human life needs to be in consideration as we seek to protect our other living systems in our wetlands and our shorelines.

We will set the aspirational goal of becoming a "zero-waste state." [Applause] ?If companies like Walmart can set the goal of zero waste and make tangible progress towards achieving it ?we believe there is no reason that a great corporation like Maryland cannot do this as well,... and to get there, we will work to advance strategies like composting and greater recycling. ?The good news is we already have one of the highest recycling rates in the nation. There is a lot of methane in our ozone that comes out of our landfills- that is the traditional way we used to live. But in order to reach our goals we must come up with smarter, more innovative, more sustainable ways to deal with our waste. ?Zero waste is a strategy that will bring together the various actions that many of us are already taking.


In conclusion: we have a planet to save and we have jobs to create.

We need, as a People, to create greater opportunities to work and earn a decent living. ?And what we stand for is what we stand on.
One of the great ironies of these times is that the very immensity of the challenges posed by climate change are the same forces driving a new wave of innovation. ?Innovation in building net zero homes. ?Innovation in harnessing the sun and wind to power our state, and empower our small and family owned businesses. ?Innovation that we can use to create jobs and expand opportunity now and in the future.

As America's #1 state for public education, and America's #1 state for innovation and entrepreneurship, we have all of the tools and talent we need to be #1 in green-sector job creation.

As Marylanders we embrace the "fierce urgency of now". ?We make better choices in order to achieve better results. ?And with trust in God and faith in the world we move forward not back.
Thanks very much.


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Friday, July 26, 2013

Benedict Cumberbatch Could Officiate Your Wedding

Well, you have to be his friend first. The "Star Trek" star officiated the wedding of his two friends in Ibiza. I apologize for the feeling that your life isn't as cool anymore.

Also, spend 60 seconds getting freaked out in today's Dailies!

? Watch this terrifying one-minute short from the director of "Hobo With A Shotgun." [The Playlist]

? Wes Bentley has been cast in Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar." [The Hollywood Reporter]

? SDCC 2013 Cosplay Music Video [/Film]

? Benedict Cumberbatch officiated a wedding. Unfortunately, it wasn't yours. [EW]

Source: Getty Images

Source: Getty Images

? James McAvoy is playing Frankenstein* in "Frankenstein" with Daniel Radcliffe. [ComingSoon]

James McAvoy

Welcome to the Dailies, where the MTV Movies team runs down all the film and television news, odds and ends that are fit to print! From awesome fan art to obscure casting news, this is your place to feast on all the movie leftovers you didn't know you were hungry for.

*If you thought I meant the Monster, we're no longer friends.


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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Amorian Conflicts

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The custom-built "roleplay" system was designed and implemented by Eric Martindale as of July 2009. All attempts to replicate or otherwise emulate this system and its method of organizing roleplay are strictly prohibited without his express written and contractual permission; violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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Texas roller coaster death: German firm to investigate

German roller coaster manufacturer sends officials to inspect ride involved in woman's death at Six Flags in Texas. Company official says he's sure roller coaster's safety bar wasn't broken, despite woman's plunge in Texas.

By Associated Press / July 22, 2013

This aerial photo shows the Texas Giant roller coaster at Six Flags Over Texas where a woman fell to her death Saturday in Arlington, Texas. The German manufacturer is sending officials to investigate the ride.

Louis DeLuca/The Dallas Morning News/AP


A German roller coaster maker is sending officials to a North Texas amusement park to inspect a ride after a woman fell to her death.

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Tobias Lindnar, a project manager for Gerstlauer Amusement Rides in Munsterhausen, Germany, told The Dallas Morning News that the company will investigate what led to Friday's fatal accident at?Six?Flags?Over Texas in Arlington.

Witnesses said the woman expressed concern about the Texas Giant roller coaster's safety bar not completely engaging as the ride was starting. The coaster is touted as the tallest steel-hybrid roller coaster in the world.

"I'm sure there's no safety bar that is broken," Lindnar told the newspaper by phone Saturday night from Germany.

Lindnar said Gerstlauer has never had problems with car safety bars on any of the roughly 50 roller coasters it's built around the world over the past 30 years.

"We will be on site and we will see what has happened," he said.

Park spokeswoman Sharon Parker confirmed in a statement Saturday that the victim died while riding the 14-story Texas Giant, but wouldn't give specifics about what happened. Arlington Police Sgt. Christopher Cook told The Associated Press on Saturday that police believe the woman fell from the ride and that there appeared to have been no foul play.

Arlington police have referred information about the woman's identity to the medical examiner's office in Tarrant County, which hadn't disclosed her name as of Sunday night and didn't respond to phone messages left by the AP.

Lindnar wouldn't address the hydraulic bar's operation or whether park employees should be able to determine if a person's body is too close to the front of the train car to prevent the bar from being effective.

"At this time I don't want to speak about the technicals," he said. "It's not so easy. It's some special equipment."

But he said once the ride began, there was no chance of opening the safety bar.

"We are committed to determining the cause of this tragic accident and will utilize every resource throughout this process," Parker said in her statement. "It would be a disservice to the family to speculate regarding what transpired."

Police, fire and emergency medical services responded to the park around 6:45 p.m. Friday after calls about a woman who fell from a car while riding a roller coaster. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Texas Department of Insurance spokesman Jerry Hagins told the AP on Sunday that?Six?Flags?was in compliance with state regulations requiring amusement ride operators to have $1 million liability insurance on each ride and provide proof of an annual safety inspection by a certified engineer.

Six?Flags?received a state-issued sticker, like an auto inspection sticker, for the Texas Giant in February. Hagins said the ride now will remain closed until it's inspected again and certified to be safe.

"It's the ride owner's responsibility to keep it closed, to fix it, then prove to us that it's safe to start back up again," he said. "If for some reason they can't figure it out, no safety inspector is going to sign off on it."

Because no foul play is suspected, police are not involved in the investigation, officials said.

The ride first opened in 1990 as an all-wooden coaster and underwent a $10 million renovation to install steel-hybrid rails and reopened in 2011. It can carry up to 24 people.


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9 Essential Skills of a Healthcare Quality Improvement Leader

Written by Sabrina Rodak?| July 22, 2013

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"Moving off of the status quo takes leaders who can inspire others to take action," says Julie Kliger, MPA, BSN, RN, founder and principal of The Altos Group. This statement is not a simple adage; it is a lesson learned from direct experience. From 2008 to 2010, Ms. Kliger led a nine-hospital collaborative that reduced sepsis mortality by more than 50 percent, a study featured on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's Innovations Exchange.

Julie Kliger"Even when the level of 'pain' (e.g., high levels of sepsis mortality, long wait times to see specialists) is high in an organization, people do not intuitively know how to organize to create change and implement improvements," she says. Here, she shares nine critical leadership behaviors exhibited by individuals and organizations committed to healthcare quality improvement, developed by The Altos Group.

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1. Setting a vision and goals. "Leaders need to understand the importance of setting a common vision and cluster of goals that all key stakeholders can embrace ? and be held accountable for," she says.

2. Communicating strategically for commitment. Once quality improvement leaders establish a vision, they need to communicate the vision to physicians and staff to gain buy-in. "Leaders need to frame the need for change in language that appeals to the values of the organization," Ms. Kliger says. For example, leaders at hospitals should discuss the initiative's potential benefit to patient care to appeal to physicians and other clinicians. While there may be an economic benefit, focusing on how it supports the organization's mission may be a more effective persuader, according to Ms. Kliger.

3. Creating an environment that encourages constructive accountability and constructive conflict. Constructive accountability is shared aims that define success, uniting disparate groups under a common goal. "In order to achieve excellence, which is a combination of reliability and performing against established evidence, you need to have individual providers understand how they are linked and aligned to the larger organization's mission, goals and outcomes," Ms. Kliger says. A physician alignment model is important but in itself is not sufficient for creating constructive accountability. Clearly articulated job descriptions or obligations (for non-employed physicians) and incentives and disincentives are tools leaders can use to tie individuals to the organization's broader goals.

In contrast with constructive accountability, constructive conflict is a process in which two or more people or groups discuss their needs and differences of opinion and eventually develop a solution. "In general, we don't have a culture of feeling comfortable discussing opportunities for improvement, especially when it comes to the way relationships can be managed," Ms. Kliger says. "The more we normalize the idea that we can have respectful conversations about different opinions, we can come to a shared understanding of how to tackle common problems."

4. Removing barriers to success. Leaders must seek opportunities to remove barriers to success and provide physicians with tools necessary to achieve goals. For example, leaders of a hand hygiene initiative should ensure there are sufficient and staff-approved alcohol sanitizers, soap and other necessary products.

5. Coaching (versus telling). Leaders' purpose is not to do the change all themselves, but to inspire and empower others to enact a change. To effectively motivate others to improve quality, give front-line workers the authority to implement new processes. "When front-line physicians and nurses are nurtured to think for themselves and build their skills at bringing about change (e.g., [Plan, Do, Study, Act] cycles of learning), leaders multiply their ability to create change," Ms. Kliger says.

6. Celebrating success and failures. Realize that celebrating failure is just as important, and often more so, than celebrating success, Ms. Kliger suggests. "Celebrating and embracing failures lets others within the organization know they can seek the best ways to improve care, even if every effort does not work out," she says. "Being able to creatively try new approaches to care delivery must live within a culture that normalizes 'failures.'"

Normalizing failure is at the core of small tests of change, such as PDSA cycles. Quality improvement leaders need to acknowledge and communicate to their teams that failure is not just acceptable, but that it is inevitable and even valuable for teaching lessons about people and processes. "It's [useful] to understand what works and what didn't, because the organization documents what doesn't work so it doesn't waste time in the future," Ms. Kliger says.

7. Earn the trust. Quality improvement leaders need to earn the trust of physicians and staff members to create a strong relationship that will withstand the trials and triumphs of improvement efforts.

8. Working from self-awareness. "Successful leaders develop emotional intelligence and are aware of how their words and actions empower or disable others," Ms. Kliger says.

9. Working with and through others. Successful quality improvement requires routine collaboration among leaders and front-line workers. Taking a team approach to improvement brings multiple perspectives that can help spark creative solutions.

Julie Kliger can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

More Articles on Healthcare Quality and Safety Leadership:

5 Leadership Dimensions Needed for Patient Safety Initiatives
50 Experts Leading the Field of Patient Safety
Report: Nearly 200% More Facilities Named Leaders in LGBT Healthcare Equality

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Gas prices rise with no relief in site, yet


4 hours ago

Gas prices are displayed at a 76 gas station on July 16, 2013 in Los Angeles, California.

Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images

Gas prices are displayed at a 76 gas station on July 16, 2013 in Los Angeles, California.

American motorists are bracing for further increases in gas pump prices this summer after average national prices rose 12 cents in the past week alone.

AAA says drivers are experiencing "sticker shock" as increased summer demand, unrest in Egypt and production disruptions in the U.S. and other countries push up the price of crude oil and gasoline.

The national average price for regular unleaded gasoline was $3.67 a gallon on Friday.

AAA says that's 23 cents more expensive than the same time last year but still below the all-time daily high of $4.11 a gallon on July 17, 2008.

The association says retail gas prices are likely to rise more in the coming weeks.

Unscheduled refinery shutdowns or hurricanes on the U.S. Gulf Coast could also add to price increases.


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McDonnell announces leadership team for Virginia Adopts campaign

virginiaGov. Bob McDonnell has announced the state wide leadership team for ?Virginia Adopts: Campaign for 1,000,? an initiative to match 1,000 children currently in foster care with adoptive families. The leadership team, which consists of community leaders, elected officials, and adoption advocates, will serve to highlight the effort and promote adoption around Virginia. The announcement of the statewide leadership team comes the week before the Campaign for 1,000 Regional Kick-Off events will be taking place across the Commonwealth.

Speaking about the announcement, McDonnell said, ?Each of these individuals brings a unique perspective, strong community involvement, and compassion for Virginia?s children to the Campaign for 1,000. I am grateful to each member of the leadership team for their efforts and look forward to the success of the initiative. In the weeks ahead there will be opportunities for Virginia families to learn more about growing their family through adoption in the foster care system. I encourage anyone interested to attend one of the regional events and seek out more information. Children in foster care are there through no fault of their own, and just as much as any child, they deserve a loving, secure, and stable family and home.?

Mrs. Kay Coles James and Mrs. Bobbie Kilberg will serve as the State Co-Chairs for the initiative. Dr. Allan Morris, Delegate Chris Peace, Senator Emmett and Mrs. Sharon Hanger, Mr. Chuck Slemp, Delegate David Toscano, Mrs. Karey Nobles, Supervisor Marty and Mrs. Kristina Nohe, Mrs. Angie Landes, Fr. Wayne Ball, Secretary Doug and Mrs. Jeanne Domenech, the Reverend Jon Barton, Ms. Sophia Booker, and Senator George Barker will serve on the Statewide Steering Committee.


?When children age out of the foster care system without finding a permanent family, they face more significant challenges without a support system of any kind. With so many loving families in Virginia, I am confident we can find great matches for these 1,000 children. I am grateful to members of the Steering Committee for adding their support to this important effort,? stated Secretary of the Commonwealth Janet Kelly, who along with her husband Ryan is helping to lead the ?Virginia Adopts? initiative. ?These events will provide families who have thought about adoption with the information they need as they consider the impact of this decision on both their own families and the children who need adopting.?

Co-Chair Kay Coles James, former Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources and a former foster mom stated, ?When considering adoption, many people think that only babies or children in other countries are available. Any adoption is a selfless act of love, but many families don?t know that there are children right here in Virginia who need a forever family. I encourage any family who believes they have extra love to give to consider adopting out of the foster care system in Virginia. As with biological children, parenting these children isn?t always easy. However, as many foster and adoptive parents will tell you, the children often teach us more than we teach them,?

?Welcoming children into our hearts and homes is one of the best examples of Virginia?s hallmark generosity and kindness. The paths of the 1,000 children that the ?Virginia Adopts? program will match with families will be impacted in a positive way for the rest of these children?s lives, as well as life-changing for the adoptive families. I encourage Virginians to consider adopting out of the foster care system or supporting those who adopt in some meaningful way,? remarked Co-Chair Bobbie Kilberg, President and CEO of the Northern Virginia Technology Council and a mother of five children.

?Virginia Adopts: Campaign for 1,000? State Wide Leadership Team

State Co-Chairs

Mrs. Kay Coles James

Mrs. Bobbie Kilberg

Statewide Steering Committee

Dr. Allan Morris of Newport News

Delegate Chris Peace of Mechanicsville

Senator Emmett and Mrs. Sharon Hanger of Mount Solon

Mr. Chuck Slemp of Wise

Delegate David Toscano of Charlottesville

Supervisor Marty and Mrs. Kristina Nohe of Prince William

Mrs. Angie Landes of Verona

Fr. Wayne Ball of Richmond

Secretary Doug and Mrs. Jeanne Domenech of Richmond

Senator George Barker of Alexandria

Mrs. Karey Nobles of Richmond

Reverend Jon Barton of Richmond

Ms. Sophia Booker of Richmond



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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sports: British Open Third Round: Highlights and Analysis

Tiger Woods and Lee Westwood went back and forth for 18 holes Saturday in a game of one-upmanship, as if their individual match was the only one being watched.

Paired together, Woods and Westwood began the third round one stroke off the leader, Miguel Angel Jimenez, but that quickly changed. Jimenez dropped, as did Henrik Stenson, and Muirfield evolved into the Lee and Tiger Show ? with Westwood of England seeking his first major title in front of a supportive crowd, and Woods, the 14-time major winner, looking to reclaim his dominance.

After a two-stroke swing on the 17th hole, Westwood stood atop the leader board at three under par. Woods, who bogeyed 17 after a misplayed second shot landed in a fairway bunker, finished tied for second with Hunter Mahan.

Conditions were tamer on the course Saturday, as the grounds crew did their best to keep the fairways moist against the heat and sun. Still, only three players remained under par for the tournament. Jimenez, who had played well on Thursday and Friday, shot a 77. Phil Mickelson remained on the fringe of the leader board at two over par.

The most interesting pairing Sunday will be Woods and Adam Scott, who has Woods?s former caddie, Steve Williams, on his bag.

The question, though, will be whether Westwood can ride Saturday?s momentum to win Sunday and follow in the footsteps of the Wimbledon winner Andy Murray of Britain to win one of golf?s most coveted prizes.

2:30 P.M. A Rough Round for Jimenez

The third round at Muirfield has finished. It was a rough day for Miguel Angel Jimenez, who shot a 77 to drop into a tie for 11th. His partner, Henrik Stenson, shot 74 to finish one over par.

Westwood and Hunter Mahan will be in the final pairing Sunday. Woods will play with Adam Scott.

2:25 P.M. Woods Reflects on Bogey

Woods said he didn?t make good contact on his second shot on the par-5 17th. It caught the fairway bunker and turned the tide on the round ? he bogeyed the hole and Westwood birdied it. After his round, Woods told Tom Rinaldi of ESPN: ?I needed a bullet to get over that bunker. I spun it.?

2:17 P.M. Par for Westwood and Woods on 18th

Both Westwood and Woods par the 18th hole. Westwood has a two-stroke lead over Woods and Hunter Mahan through 54 holes. Woods has never won a major when he was not at least tied for the lead entering Sunday.

2:01 P.M. Westwood Holds Lead as Woods Drops

A huge turn of events at the top of the leader board, as Woods bogeys the par-5 17th and Westwood birdies it. Westwood is three-under par and two strokes ahead of Woods, who is at one under, as both head to the 18th hole.

1:46 P.M. An Ugly Save by Westwood

Westwood made perhaps the putt of the day ? but it was for bogey on 16. Still, a great 15-foot save, after hitting his tee shot into the thick rough off the tee. Now he is back tied with Woods at two-under par.

1:15 P.M. Westwood Back on Top

Westwood (three under) has retaken the outright lead with a birdie on the 14th hole, after a beautiful second shot left him four feet from the hole. Woods parred to remain at two under.

1:06 P.M. Mickelson Is Not Happy

Mickelson, at two over, was not too pleased with his 72 in the third round, considering he thought the conditions Saturday afternoon were better than they were Friday. When Tom Rinaldi of ESPN went over the highlights with him, Mickelson joked, ?Were there highlights??

12:55 P.M. Former U.N.L.V. Star Moves Up

Ryan Moore, a former amateur champion at Nevada-Las Vegas, has quietly moved up the leader board to even par and two shots off the lead. Moore?s best major finish? He tied for ninth at the P.G.A. in 2006.

12:44 P.M. Schwartzel?s Club Remains in One Piece
12:41 P.M. Mickelson Still in It, Barely

Phil Mickelson heads to the 18th hole at two-over par after bogeying 15 and 16. He is not out of it by any stretch but he?ll likely need to post at least another 69 on Sunday to be in contention.

12:25 P.M. Woods and Westwood Share Lead

Woods and Westwood make the turn to the back nine tied for the lead at two under. Woods leads the tournament in driving accuracy (83.3 percent fairways hit).

11:46 A.M. No Clear Front-Runner

In 2002, Ernie Els won the Open at Muirfield at six-under par. Today? There are currently only five players under par for the tournament. Nine players are within three shots of the lead held by Lee Westwood.

11:33 A.M. An Eagle for Westwood

After an eagle on the fifth hole, Westwood (three under) has grabbed the lead from Woods. With Andy Murray?s win at Wimbledon, it?s been a good summer for Britain.

11:07 A.M. Laird Drops Off Leader Board

How rough is that rough? Just ask Martin Laird, who found himself in the thick stuff on the third hole and, after half a dozen hacks, ended up with a 9 to drop him off the leader board.

11:01 A.M. Woods Grabs Lead

Well it didn?t take long for Tiger Woods to grab sole possession of the lead at Muirfield. A long birdie putt on the second hole to drop to three under. Jimenez bogeyed the second hole to drop to two under and a tie with Lee Westwood, Dustin Johnson and Henrik Stenson.


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Friday, July 19, 2013

Asia Markets: Japan stocks hit in volatile trade; China rises

By V. Phani Kumar, MarketWatch

HONG KONG (MarketWatch) ? Japanese shares beat a sharp retreat after opening comfortably higher on Friday, with a wave of selling ahead of weekend elections in the country also weighing on other regional markets.

The Nikkei Stock Average /quotes/zigman/5986735 JP:NIK -1.46% ?rose nearly 1% before suffering heavy losses that dragged the benchmark down to a loss of 2.7% within a matter of minutes, which traders attributed to selling in the futures market but not related to any particular news. The benchmark later moved off its lows but was still down 1% at the midday break.

Japan shares take a sudden tumble amid selling on the stock futures market.

?It?s just positioning. ... The market was long, and the Nikkei Stock Average has failed to break significantly higher despite the fact that the S&P 500 breached its May highs. ... [For traders], if you don?t like the move, you get out,? said Sunrise Brokers head of Asian equities Ben Collett.

Elsewhere in the region, Hong Kong?s Hang Seng Index /quotes/zigman/2622475 HK:HSI +0.16% ?was up 0.3%, Australia?s S&P/ASX 200 /quotes/zigman/1653884 AU:XJO -0.36% ?lost 0.5%, and South Korea?s Kospi /quotes/zigman/1652118 KR:SEU +0.03% ?was flat, with each changing direction in choppy trade.

On the upside, the Shanghai Composite /quotes/zigman/1859015 CN:SHCOMP +0.05% ?advanced 0.3%.

The volatility in Tokyo came ahead of the country?s upper house elections this weekend, in which the ruling Liberal Democratic Party is expected to easily clinch a majority.

The LDP already has a majority in the lower house of the parliament, and a majority in the upper chamber of the Diet was widely expected to strengthen Prime Minister Shinzo Abe?s government in its attempt to revive the Japanese economy.

However, ?it will not be plane sailing once the voting is out of the way. The politicians could be forgiven for putting off difficult decisions until after the elections, but hard choices will have to be made soon to maintain the markets? confidence,? Capital Economics wrote in a report.

Regional markets began the day on a positive note after the Dow Jones Industrial Average /quotes/zigman/627449 DJIA +0.50% ?and the Standard & Poor?s 500 Index /quotes/zigman/3870025 SPX +0.50% ?ended at record highs Thursday on Wall Street.

Those gains came after the second day of congressional testimony from Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke and some upbeat earnings results, including from Morgan Stanley /quotes/zigman/182639/quotes/nls/ms MS +4.37% . Moody?s Investors Service also lifted its outlook on U.S. credit ratings to stable, while reaffirming the country?s AAA sovereign rating.

Stocks across sectors were affected by the volatility in Tokyo trading. Shares of Tokyo Electron Ltd. /quotes/zigman/198764 JP:8035 -5.41% ? /quotes/zigman/529232/quotes/nls/toely TOELY +0.87% slumped 5%, Tokyo Electric Power Co. /quotes/zigman/198657 JP:9501 -2.59% /quotes/zigman/527598/quotes/nls/tkecy TKECY +0.54% sank 4.6%, and Isuzu Motors Ltd. /quotes/zigman/193906 JP:7202 -2.22% /quotes/zigman/202869/quotes/nls/isuzy ISUZY +0.25% ?fell 2.5%, with each of them reversing early gains.

U.S. seen losing to China as world leader

People in the U.S. and China view each other with increasing suspicion, and many others around the world see the U.S. losing its place to China as the leading economic and political power. Photo: Getty Images.

Sharp Corp. /quotes/zigman/197304 JP:6753 +1.94% /quotes/zigman/197677/quotes/nls/shcay SHCAY +0.45% ?came off early highs but was still up 1.5% after the Nikkei newspaper reported it was considering raising funds via a private placement to Lixil Group Corp. /quotes/zigman/201354 JP:5938 +1.18% ?and Makita Corp. /quotes/zigman/200988 JP:6586 -2.20% .

Shares of Lixil added 1.3%, and Makita fell 1.4%.

Panasonic Corp. /quotes/zigman/194943 JP:6752 0.00% /quotes/zigman/15515696/quotes/nls/pcrfy PCRFY -0.31% ?rose 1.3% following reports the company and its unit Sanyo Co. will pay $56.5 million in fines in the U.S. for their involvement in a price-fixing case.

Hong Kong shares were supported as heavyweight stock HSBC Holdings PLC /quotes/zigman/13834 HK:5 +1.05% ? /quotes/zigman/207333/quotes/nls/hbc HBC +1.37% ?rose 1.1% after the higher finish on Wall Street. Chinese banks aided the market in Shanghai, with Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. /quotes/zigman/610785/quotes/nls/acgby ACGBY +0.30% ? /quotes/zigman/1440017 CN:601288 +0.79% ?rising 0.8%, and Bank of China Ltd. /quotes/zigman/1873420 CN:601988 +1.13% /quotes/zigman/529024/quotes/nls/bachy BACHY -0.20% ?gaining 1.1%.

However, shares of property developers retreated in Hong Kong, with China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. /quotes/zigman/13931 HK:688 -2.36% ? /quotes/zigman/527919/quotes/nls/caovy CAOVY -1.36% losing 1.7%.

Santos Ltd. /quotes/zigman/181202 AU:STO -2.73% fell 3.5% after reporting a decline in production and cutting forecasts for oil and gas output.


JP : Nikkei Idx

Volume: 0.00

July 19, 2013 2:08p


HK : HangSeng Ind

Volume: 0.00

July 19, 2013 1:13p


AU : Australia: Sydney

Volume: 0.00

July 19, 2013 3:08p


KR : S. Korea: KRX

Volume: 260.23M

July 19, 2013 2:08p


CN : China: Shanghai

Volume: 50.94M

July 19, 2013 1:13p


US : DJ-Index

Volume: 136.27M

July 18, 2013 4:34p


US : S&P Base CME

Volume: 510.86M

July 18, 2013 4:34p



Volume: 36.01M

July 18, 2013 4:00p

Rev. per Employee



JP : Japan: Tokyo

? 4,805.00

-275.00 -5.41%

Volume: 2.14M

July 19, 2013 2:07p

Market Cap

?896.73 billion

Rev. per Employee




Volume: 29,181

July 18, 2013 3:59p


JP : Japan: Tokyo

Volume: 262.09M

July 19, 2013 2:08p

Market Cap

?1187.59 billion

Rev. per Employee




Volume: 3,142

July 18, 2013 3:57p


JP : Japan: Tokyo

Volume: 13.63M

July 19, 2013 2:08p

Market Cap

?1382.93 billion

Rev. per Employee




Volume: 100.00

July 18, 2013 9:41a


JP : Japan: Tokyo

Volume: 102.24M

July 19, 2013 2:07p

Market Cap

?527.69 billion

Rev. per Employee




Volume: 50,792

July 18, 2013 3:53p


JP : Japan: Tokyo

? 2,407.00

+28.00 +1.18%

Volume: 1.54M

July 19, 2013 2:08p

Market Cap

?737.24 billion

Rev. per Employee



JP : Japan: Tokyo

? 5,780.00

-130.00 -2.20%

Volume: 528,800

July 19, 2013 2:05p

Market Cap

?840.05 billion

Rev. per Employee



JP : Japan: Tokyo

Volume: 17.37M

July 19, 2013 2:08p

Market Cap

?2161.14 billion

Rev. per Employee




Volume: 207,771

July 18, 2013 3:59p

Rev. per Employee



HK : Hong Kong

Volume: 10.82M

July 19, 2013 1:12p

Market Cap

HK$1604.47 billion

Rev. per Employee




Volume: 1.10M

July 18, 2013 4:06p

Market Cap

$206.82 billion

Rev. per Employee




Volume: 6,274

July 18, 2013 3:47p


CN : China: Shanghai

Volume: 38.45M

July 19, 2013 1:13p

Market Cap

?822.75 billion


CN : China: Shanghai

Volume: 10.24M

July 19, 2013 1:13p

Market Cap

?733.65 billion



Volume: 1,965

July 18, 2013 3:25p


HK : Hong Kong

Volume: 11.40M

July 19, 2013 1:13p

Market Cap

HK$175.71 billion

Rev. per Employee




Volume: 154.00

July 18, 2013 1:05p


AU : Australia: Sydney

Volume: 3.08M

July 19, 2013 3:08p

Varahabhotla Phani Kumar is a reporter in MarketWatch's Hong Kong bureau. Follow him on Twitter @MktwKumar.


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