Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Jeb Bush says ?conventional wisdom? wrong, GOP thriving in states

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is warning Republicans to ignore the ?conventional wisdom? that says the party ?is in decline.? Instead, Bush says, look to the states where the countries 30 Republican governors are leading ?the way forward for the GOP.?

Writing for the conservative Rare website Monday, Bush highlighted Republican governors and their accomplishments in creating ?business-friendly climates to grow jobs.?

Bush pointed to the following 13 governors as examples of ?the success of conservative principles? ? what Bush calls ?the best kept secret in American politics:?

  • Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
  • Former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels
  • Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder
  • Florida Gov. Rick Scott
  • Texas?Gov. Rick Perry
  • Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett
  • New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
  • Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell
  • New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez
  • Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval
  • Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
  • Ohio Gov. John Kasich
  • Oklahoma?Gov. Mary Fallin

Those governors, Bush wrote, are ?creating a climate where entrepreneurs are welcome, people are getting back to work and schools are focusing on the needs of children instead of unions and bureaucracies.?

Bush cited a Pew poll showing that while only 28 percent of Americans view the federal government favorably, 57 percent are happy with their state governments.

?Media outlets thrive on conflict, and sometimes we are all too willing to oblige,? Bush wrote. ?As Republicans, we must focus on a positive message about our success and our vision. Instead of spending all our time and resources saying why President Obama and the Democrats? ideas are wrong for Americans, we must provide clearly articulated alternatives.?

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