Friday, November 30, 2012

Home Improvements for Big Spaces

8 hours ago, in Home & Garden

stairsBuying a bigger house block is always a great investment. In fact, you may consider saving money by building your own kit home, so you can spend more on the land. But there is always a difficult balance between enjoying the space and using the space to its full advantage. If you have the big block and aren?t sure what to do with it, here are some ideas:

Vegetable Gardens

Putting in vegetable gardens will see you saving money on produce, as well as giving your kids or grandchildren the thrill of growing their own food. This, in turn, will encourage healthy eating habits.

Depending on the space you have, this might go from a single garden bed to rows of beds. It is possible to build your own beds from scratch using recycled timber or you can put in block beds. Seek advice on types of wood, tin and block that are suitable, as the materials will be exposed to water, fertilisers and plenty of sunshine.

You may also be able to enhance the area with some paving and cut down on mowing between the beds. Consider the location of the garden beds as well and which areas of the yard catch the best sun in all seasons. Installing an irrigation system is an excellent idea to avoid losing produce for want of time to water. Also think about incorporating a compost bin, and possibly even a small garden shed.

Playground and Gazebo

Having a deck or entertaining area set off the back door is a terrific idea, but have you considered a stand-alone staged gazebo in the backyard? A gazebo offers an idyllic shaded spot for meditation, reading and entertaining guests. Gazebos can be landscaped in almost any style, from Balinese to Victorian.

If you?re thinking about adding this type of relaxation area, it may be worth considering putting in a fort or playground close by. A play area for the kids is no longer relegated to a rusty, old swing set. Features that can be added include a giant chequerboard or cubbyhouse. A gazebo with an accompanying playground means you can enjoy a cuppa while the kids blow off some steam in the fresh air.

Pool and Entertaining

Extra space allows you to extend your outdoor living into a pool and entertainment area. As your home flows out into a deck or tiled outdoor kitchen, friends and family can enjoy cooling off in the pool. This sort of area can be used for lunchtime barbeques with the kids, through to evening pool parties with friends.

Consider additions such as a swim-up bar in the pool and outdoor misting fans to keep you comfortable. Maintenance can be kept at a minimum with an array of pool cleaners on the market designed to do the hard work for you. Also consider pool covers to prevent evaporation and nasties entering the pool.


Creating a feature in the yard is one option, but take into consideration the alternative of adding to your house itself. It may sound expensive; however, if you have some handyman skills, it?s highly likely there is a kit home company that can provide what is essentially a flat-packed room. These companies will work through the planning and design with you and offer advice regarding council approval and building options.

If you have made the investment in some extra land, why not put it to good use and add some value to your property.


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Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center investigator Kun Ping Lu, M.D., Ph.D., named AAAS Fellow

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center investigator Kun Ping Lu, M.D., Ph.D., named AAAS Fellow [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Nov-2012
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Contact: Bonnie Prescott
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

BOSTON Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) investigator Kun Ping Lu, MD, PhD, has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Election as a AAAS Fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers.

Lu is among 702 members to be recognized this year for distinguished efforts to advance science, and will be honored during the 2013 AAAS Annual Meeting in February.

A faculty member in BIDMC's Division of Hematology/Oncology and Cancer Center, Lu was recognized for distinguished contributions to signal transduction mechanisms through controlling prolyl isomerization of key molecules in cell cycle control, tumor formation, and onset of neurodegenerative diseases.

"Dr. Lu's key discoveries have led to significant research advances in the fields of both Alzheimer's disease and cancer," says Vikas Sukhatme, MD, PhD, BIDMC's Chief Academic Officer. "This novel work provides the foundation for the development of patient therapies for two of today's most pressing clinical problems."

Lu joins the following BIDMC faculty as a AAAS fellow: Seth Alper, MD, PhD, Division of Nephrology; Lewis Cantley, PhD, Division of Signal Transduction; Harold Dvorak, MD, Center for Vascular Biology Research; Barbara Furie, PhD, Division of Hemostasis & Thrombosis; Jerome Groopman, MD, Division of Experimental Medicine; Barbara Kahn, MD, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism; Mitchell Rabkin, MD, Carl J. Shapiro Institute for Education and Research; Clifford Saper, MD, PhD, Department of Neurology; Cox Terhorst, PhD, Division of Immunology; George Tsokos, MD, Division of Rheumatology; and Peter Weller, MD, Divisions of Infectious Diseases, Allergy and Immunology.


Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is a patient care, teaching and research affiliate of Harvard Medical School and currently ranks third in National Institutes of Health funding among independent hospitals nationwide. BIDMC is clinically affiliated with the Joslin Diabetes Center and is a research partner of the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center. BIDMC is the official hospital of the Boston Red Sox. For more information, visit

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Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center investigator Kun Ping Lu, M.D., Ph.D., named AAAS Fellow [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Nov-2012
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Contact: Bonnie Prescott
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

BOSTON Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) investigator Kun Ping Lu, MD, PhD, has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Election as a AAAS Fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers.

Lu is among 702 members to be recognized this year for distinguished efforts to advance science, and will be honored during the 2013 AAAS Annual Meeting in February.

A faculty member in BIDMC's Division of Hematology/Oncology and Cancer Center, Lu was recognized for distinguished contributions to signal transduction mechanisms through controlling prolyl isomerization of key molecules in cell cycle control, tumor formation, and onset of neurodegenerative diseases.

"Dr. Lu's key discoveries have led to significant research advances in the fields of both Alzheimer's disease and cancer," says Vikas Sukhatme, MD, PhD, BIDMC's Chief Academic Officer. "This novel work provides the foundation for the development of patient therapies for two of today's most pressing clinical problems."

Lu joins the following BIDMC faculty as a AAAS fellow: Seth Alper, MD, PhD, Division of Nephrology; Lewis Cantley, PhD, Division of Signal Transduction; Harold Dvorak, MD, Center for Vascular Biology Research; Barbara Furie, PhD, Division of Hemostasis & Thrombosis; Jerome Groopman, MD, Division of Experimental Medicine; Barbara Kahn, MD, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism; Mitchell Rabkin, MD, Carl J. Shapiro Institute for Education and Research; Clifford Saper, MD, PhD, Department of Neurology; Cox Terhorst, PhD, Division of Immunology; George Tsokos, MD, Division of Rheumatology; and Peter Weller, MD, Divisions of Infectious Diseases, Allergy and Immunology.


Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is a patient care, teaching and research affiliate of Harvard Medical School and currently ranks third in National Institutes of Health funding among independent hospitals nationwide. BIDMC is clinically affiliated with the Joslin Diabetes Center and is a research partner of the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center. BIDMC is the official hospital of the Boston Red Sox. For more information, visit

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

M23 rebels say they will leave Congo city of Goma

GOMA, Congo (AP) ? Congo's M23 rebels said Wednesday they will withdraw from the strategic city of Goma if President Joseph Kabila's government meets their demands for wide-ranging national reforms and negotiations.

"Kabila has to meet our demands if we are to pull out," said M23 vice-minister of interior Theophile Ruremesha to The Associated Press Wednesday.

"The African Union and the ICGLR (a bloc of neighboring countries) asked us to withdraw from Goma. We are ready, we respect diplomacy," said Ruremesha. "But we realize that Kabila is not seriously considering meeting our demands. If we see that there is a will to answer our demands, we can make concessions."

The regional groups demanded that the M23 leave Goma by Friday but Ruremesha suggested that the withdrawal could take longer.

"For humanitarian reasons we cannot leave the town in the hands of just anybody," he said. "Creating the neutral force will take some time."

M23's military chief, Col. Sultani Makenga, also said that the rebels intend to pull out of Goma. Makenga returned from talks in Kampala, the capital of Uganda.

"We have started to withdraw our forces from Masisi (a small town northwest of Goma) and we will then withdraw from Goma as we agreed in Kampala," Makenga told AP on Wednesday.

When asked if the M23 troops would be out of Goma by Friday, Makenga said: "It will depend on our troops' movement, but we have started to do what we agreed to in Kampala."

A pull-out from Goma is a reversal from the statement by the M23's political chief Tuesday that the rebels would fight the government army to retain control of Goma.

Goma's population remained confused about whether the M23 would withdraw or not by Friday and many people expressed anxiety about a possible attack by the Congo army.

"This is a nerve-wracking situation. It fluctuates every hour and we cannot even plan for tomorrow," said Goma resident Ernest Mugisho. "The M23 needs to give a clear message because for us, the population, this is not good."

Whether the M23 stay or leave Goma, the rebel group has a large new cache of 1,000 tons of weapons, including heavy artillery, that were abandoned by the fleeing Congo army last week, according to M23 president Jean-Marie Runiga.

It appears the M23 are moving the weapons north of Goma. Six flatbed trucks carrying crates of ammunition were seen Tuesday being driven by M23 soldiers north from Goma.

The M23 was created nearly eight months ago by former rebels who joined, and then defected from the Congolese army. They have been accused of human rights abuses, including executions and forced recruitment of children.

Both the M23 and the FDLR rebel groups have their origins in the scars left by Rwanda's 1994 genocide. The perpetrators of that genocide were from the Hutu ethnic group, and 18 years ago, at the end of the 100-day massacre they fled across the border and took refuge in the jungles of eastern Congo. Their leaders regrouped under the banner of the FDLR, and have used Congo as a base to try to take back Rwanda. Numerous reports indicate that the FDLR was tacitly backed by Congo, which wanted to use them as a buffer against Rwanda.

By contrast the M23 are fighters who are mainly from the Tutsi ethnic group that was targeted for extermination during the genocide.


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Did you see that? How could you miss it?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

You may have received CPR training some time ago, but would you remember the proper technique in an emergency? Would you know what to do in the event of an earthquake or a fire? A new UCLA psychology study shows that people often do not recall things they have seen ? or at least walked by ? hundreds of times.

For the study, 54 people who work in the same building were asked if they knew the location of the fire extinguisher nearest their office. While many of the participants had worked in their offices for years and had passed the bright red extinguishers several times a day, only 13 out of the 54 ? 24 percent ? knew the location.

When asked to find a fire extinguisher, however, everyone was able to do so within a few seconds; most were surprised they had never noticed them. The researchers found no significant differences between men and women, or between older and younger adults.

"Just because we've seen something many times doesn't mean we remember it or even notice it," said Alan Castel, an associate professor of psychology at UCLA and lead author of the study. "If I asked you to draw the front of a dime or the front of a dollar bill from memory, how well could you do that? You might get some elements right. Do you know who the president is? On the dime, is he facing left or right? Does it say 'In God We Trust' on the front of the dollar or the back? Do you know what else it says? You've seen it so many times, but you probably haven't paid much attention to it."

Castel said that not noticing things isn't necessarily bad, particularly when those things are not important in your daily life. "It might be a good thing not to burden your memory with information that is not relevant to you," he said.

But with safety information, such as knowing where fire extinguishers are or what to do in an emergency, being prepared can, of course, be very useful.

"When you're on an airplane, do you know where the life vest is and what to do in the event of an emergency?" Castel asked. "You've been told many times, but how would you respond under stressful conditions, when there could be smoke and people screaming?"

A few months after being asked the location of the nearest fire extinguisher, the study participants were asked again if they knew where the closest one was. All of them knew.

"We don't notice something if we're attending to something else," Castel said. "Fire extinguishers are bright red and very conspicuous, but we're almost blind to them until they become relevant."

What does this tell us about the importance of training, whether for emergencies or something as common as learning a new computer program?

Castel stresses that making errors during training is useful. As with the fire extinguisher exercise, errors ? or simple oversights ? can teach us that we don't know something well and need to pay more attention in order to remember it.

"It's good if errors happen during training and not during an event where you need the information," he said. "That's part of the learning process."

The study is published in the journal Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.


University of California - Los Angeles:

Thanks to University of California - Los Angeles for this article.

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The Deficit/Debt Problem In A Nutshell, And Why Increasing Taxes To Solve Our Deficit Problem Is An Exercise In Futility

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The Deficit/Debt Problem In A Nutshell, And Why Increasing Taxes To Solve Our Deficit Problem Is An Exercise In Futility


In responding to Michael Walsh's Rude Question, Michael James Barton writes (emphasis added):

When it comes to taxes, the reality seems to play out like this: 1) Overspending leads to a deficit/debt problem; 2) An offer is made to cut spending and increase taxes in what is hailed as a great compromise to solve the deficit/debt problem; 3) Taxes go up but the spending always increases and we are back at step (1) with a deficit/debt problem for the continuation of the endless loop.
And the net result is that our nation is ever-deeper in debt and on an evermore rapid trajectory towards Greece ... but with no one to bail us out. Meanwhile, we're stuck with the biggest spending, biggest debt-increasing president in the whole world.

The Truth about President Obama's Skyrocketing Spending
Increasing taxes always increases spending

Posted by Hyscience at November 28, 2012 6:56 AM

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

FEMA Grant Announced for Tornado-Stricken Areas in Kentucky

Residents in 10 Kentucky counties that were hard hit by tornadoes last March will receive long-term recovery assistance with the help of a $1.6 million grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Gov. Steve Beshear announced the grant Monday and said the funds would provide support for people to get back to normal.

The counties that will receive the services are Grant, Johnson, Kenton, Laurel, Lawrence, Magoffin, Martin, Menifee, Morgan and Wolfe.

Health and Family Services Secretary Audrey Tayse Haynes says the funds will make it possible for trained case managers to assist the people who suffered the most and help make sure they recover from the disaster.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Japan conjures Christmas magic with Santa school

Yoshikazu Tsuno / AFP - Getty Images, file

Trainees get lessons at the Santa Claus Academy in November last year.

By Reuters

TOKYO -- Magic tricks and straight answers are all part of being Santa in Japan - at least according to Tokyo's Santa Claus Academy, which trains St. Nicks in a country with little Christmas tradition.

On a recent weekend, 88 Santa wannabes packed the school in Tokyo's fashionable Roppongi district for a crash course in how to behave as "Santa-san," as the man in red is known in Japan.

"There are many children who don't believe in Santa Claus anymore," said Masaki Azuma, head of the school. "So I said to myself, 'Let's bring Santa Claus back.'"

The morning session began with Azuma training students in the mindset of being Santa Claus, such as not to reply to anything unless addressed as "Santa-san," along with teaching them magic tricks, which Azuma recommends as a good ice-breaker for often shy tots.

No chimney?
The rest of the session was devoted to answering the difficult questions that children have a habit of posing, such as "My house doesn't have a chimney and we also have a security system, so how will you be able to come in and deliver my present?"

The academy's answer is that Santa, whose job is to deliver presents no matter what, will find a way. Also, the home security system should recognize him and let him in.

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Despite nearing 70, Azuma has vowed to press on with his school, believing it has a key role to fulfill.

"Even as times change, Santa Claus is a figure that needs to live in the hearts of everyone," he said.

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PFT: Mystery man Harbaugh stays mum on QB

New York Jets v Seattle SeahawksGetty Images

Seattle Seahawks cornerbacks Richard Sherman and Brandon Browner continue to deny that they have ever taken performance-enhancing substances despite facing four-game suspensions for testing positive.

According to Mike Garafolo of the USA Today, Sherman is saying that he unknowingly ingested Adderall prescribed to a teammate according to a person familiar with Sherman?s explanation. Sherman?s agent, Kevin Poston, would not speak on the specifics of the case but when presented with the scenario described Poston said, ?What appears is not always the case. Hopefully, when the facts come out, justice will prevail.?

Ian Rapoport of the NFL Network also reported the scenario described by Garafolo.

Sherman, however, is completely denying that?s what took place. In a series of texts Monday night, Sherman disputed the accounts being reported by the USA Today and NFL Network.

?It?s totally false,? Sherman said. ?It will be resolved in time and I have never taken anything.?

Sherman has denied ever taking Adderall since the suspensions were first reported on Sunday.

Browner?s agent, Peter Schaffer, also denied the claims against him client.

?I can tell you that Brandon Browner has no knowledge of how any illegal substance could have gotten into his system,? Schaffer said. ??He takes tremendous care of his body and he is very careful with what he puts into it. We?re exploring all avenues to try and figure out how any substance out of the ordinary would be in his system.?

Per Garafolo, Browner is already in the league?s substance-abuse program following an undisclosed incident while playing for the Denver Broncos in 2005. Jason La Canfora of was on Sports Radio KJR in Seattle Monday morning and relayed Browner?s denial of taking any performance-enhancing substance knowing how frequently he is tested due to being in the substance-abuse program.

?[Browner]?s someone who?s tested regularly; up to three times a week,? La Canfora said. ?So he?s told people, ?look, I knew what I was up against. I don?t even drink a beer because I?m so wary of having a positive for anything.? So he?s been adamant that ?I?m not on anything. I?ve gone out of my way not to put any sort of substance, supplement, or anything other than what you would normally eat and drink.??

Schaffer said they received notice from the league about the positive tests last week. He said normally hearings for these matters are usually scheduled within 20 days of the notice being sent but circumstances could require it to take longer. Schaffer said he wasn?t sure how long it would take for this particular hearing to come about.

?It?s too early to tell what we?re going to need, what witnesses and evidence and experts are going to be required so there is no way to even guess at this point,? he said.

Until those appeals are resolved, both Browner and Sherman are eligible to play for the Seahawks. Head coach Pete Carroll said Monday that he fully expects to have them available for this Sunday?s game against the Chicago Bears.


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Skills crisis: Government tells students to target skill shortages | Y ...

High percentages of students in their final year of study are planning to seek employment in industries where there are already too many workers and not enough jobs.

The Government says their expectations need to be adjusted if we want to avoid growing the demand for skilled workers in areas such as engineering and IT.

Direction shouldn?t be left up to the ?all-knowing career advisers? to influence students and their families, according to the Minister for Tertiary Education, skills and employment, Steven Joyce.

The Graduate Longitudinal Study asked students from New Zealand?s eight universities what areas they would seek employment in if doing so within the next two years.

The top two industries were education and training, 21.9 per cent, and health care and medical, 16 per cent ? areas where there is a strong demand for skilled workers, according to Immigration New Zealand?s Long Term Skill Shortage List.

But also in the top 10 were marketing and communications, 8.8 per cent, environment and conservation, 7.5 per cent, community services and development, 7.4 per cent, and the arts, 6.8 per cent ? fields where there is an abundance of talent but not enough jobs. ?We have to adjust some of those expectations and aspirations,? Mr Joyce said.

?Frankly, that?s not just a Government thing, that?s a societal thing.?

Engineering, an area crying out for more workers as Christchurch undergoes a city rebuild and other regions undergo major projects, only had 4.4 per cent interest.

IT, hospitality, farming and transport also sparked lesser interest but were industries featured on the Government skills shortage list.

Professor Richie Poulton, lead researcher on the study, said the same students would be surveyed next year ? two years after graduation ? to see whether they were employed in their field of study. They would be followed up in five and 10 years? time.

The study replaced data collected by Universities New Zealand ? Te Pokai Tara ? which is responsible for university programmes ? after it stopped collecting employment outcomes for recent graduates in 2008 because of low response rates.

It is carried out by the National Centre for Lifecourse Research, a multi-university group headquartered at the University of Otago, and commissioned by Universities NZ with funding from the Government?s Tertiary Education Commission.

Most universities spoken to by the?Herald said they did not hold data on student employment outcomes after graduation.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Rolling into a Mobile Future - Online Gambling News

Mike ODonnell
November 26, 2012
1 Comment

Mobile gambling is a big deal; it?s been that way for years. In 2006 we were being told that big things were about to happen in the mobile niche. So big in fact, that eventually mobile gambling wouldn?t be a niche in the iGaming industry, it would be the iGaming industry.

Roller Mobile Casino, rolling into a mobile futureIt?s now 2012 and despite all of the fuss regarding mobile innovation, it doesn?t really feel like we?ve progressed that far. Sure, the mobile gambling landscape now includes the impressive sights of HTML5, live casino games and linked multi-player and progressive networks, but there isn?t anything to blow the customer away.

In 2005 at the time of the inaugural Mobile Entertainment Awards, Matti Zinder, CEO of Spin3 commented: ?Juniper Research has projected the mobile gambling industry to be worth over $19 billion by 2009?.

Despite not quite being able to live up to those expectations, mobile gambling has continued to flourish. So far, growth has come on the back of one major benefit ? convenience. The fact that in most instances there are few alternatives to gambling on your phone or tablet has meant that the sector has grown exponentially in popularity.

In October 2012, Juniper Research predicted that the value of mobile gambling could reach $100 billion by 2017. That?s a pretty big increase but it?s one that?s believable considering some of the recent financial figures coming from the industry?s major players.

But if the mobile gambling industry is really going to meet these giant predictions, it?s going have to be more than convenient.

Irish Innovation

The most recent financial figures showing impressive mobile growth have come from Irish bookmaker Paddy Power. Released last week, their H2 2012 figures showed an impressive increase in the share of casino play from mobiles in the last five months ? up from 19% of revenue in June to 28% in October.

While many of their competitors have focused on building the best mobile sports product they possibly can, Paddy Power has shared the focus. As a result, they?ve already built a reputation for providing impressive mobile gaming solutions.?This is a reputation which is set to be further enforced following the release of Roller Casino ? an iPhone and iPad casino that can be found in Apple?s App Store.

Aside from being in the App Store, what sets this app apart from its contemporaries is that it actually makes use of the benefits of being a native app, something that many have talked about but few have put into action.

Ian MacLeod is Paddy Power?s senior marketing manager for special projects and has been involved with Roller Casino all through its relatively short 12 month journey from conception to launch. He explains that from the very beginning the focus was on creating ?not just another app?.

While this sentiment is always commendable, it?s a line we?ve heard all too often without the product being able to live up to the billing. But by playing Roller Casino you get a sense of relief that this won?t be the case this time. Slot bonus rounds require players to twist and turn their device, Roller Roulette allows the user to spin the reel and throw the ball in ? neither of which are ground-breaking ideas but both add an extra aspect of play that other mobile casinos do not.

MacLeod reveals that it?s these ideas that are driving the early success of Roller Casino.

He explains: ?The response to Roller Roulette has been encouraging and so we have a few concepts in progress around extending native functionality to give a new slant to other casino and slot games.?

Trusting in Technology

Another aspect where Paddy Power have been able to steal a march on their competitors isn?t with the product itself, it?s where the product can be found.

Being on display in Apple?s App Store puts Roller Casino in the eyes of many potential users they might not have had access to it otherwise. The benefits of being in the App Store are obvious but Apple?s stance on gambling hasn?t always been crystal clear and there have been problems.?MacLeod reveals: ?There have been many horror stories from gambling brands specifically about getting into the App Store but I am pleased to say it was a relatively smooth process for us. We made Apple aware of our intent to launch Roller early in the development process and complied with all their regulations throughout submission.

?In the majority, customers trust the App Store because of the app review process. It?s because of this process that casino fans can trust that it?s a fully safe and secure product.?

Trust has always been an issue in online gambling and being in the App Store is clearly a fine way of inspiring it. But was of the most potent ways of gaining instant trust is by brand recognition, an idea that for this project Paddy Power?s special project team has turned its back on.?MacLeod explains the thinking behind this move. He says: ?Roller and Paddy Power are complementary businesses and brands. We?d spotted the opportunity to create something new ? a casino app designed specifically for the iPad and iPhone. Intuitive, interactive immersive.

?We felt that as we?d designed something tailored and special, the experience deserved its own name to distinguish it from the other brands within Paddy Power PLC.?

So rather than being so very desperate to put their name alongside innovation, Paddy Power have taken the opposite approach. Their online competitors, who pride themselves so much on innovation, are unlikely to follow in a similar vein. But regarding the product itself, we can expect to many imitators appear.

If you have any further information related to this story that you would like to share with us privately please click here.

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Suicide bomber kills at least 5 at military church in Nigeria

KADUNA, Nigeria (Reuters) - A suicide bomber drove a car full of explosives into a church inside the Jaji military barracks in Nigeria's northern Kaduna state on Sunday, killing at least five people and wounding dozens more, military sources said.

There was no claim of responsibility but Islamist sect Boko Haram, whose main targets are the security forces, has bombed several churches in the past in its fight to create an Islamic state in Nigeria where the 160 million population is evenly split between Christians and Muslims.

"I saw five bodies and scores injured," a military officer who witnessed the bombing told Reuters, asking not to be named. A military spokesman and the national emergency agency confirmed there was a bomb at the church but gave no more details.

Two army officers said a car drove into the church before exploding with the driver inside at around 1145 GMT. One of the officers said the military barracks had been cordoned off and emergency workers were treating the wounded.

A suicide bomber killed eight people and wounded more than 100 last month at a church in another part of Kaduna state, which has a mixed Muslim and Christian population and often suffers from sectarian tensions.

Boko Haram's purported spokesman Abu Qaqa, who used to confirm the sect's attacks in phone calls to journalists, was killed by the military in September, the army said. Since then there has been little public communication by the group.

Nigeria's army on Saturday offered 290 million naira for information leading to the capture of 19 leading members of Boko Haram, including 50 million naira for the sect's self-proclaimed leader Abubakar Shekau.

Boko Haram's insurgency has killed at least 2,800 people since an uprising in 2009, according to Human Rights Watch, and the group has become the largest security threat inside Africa's biggest oil exporter.


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PFT: Vick still out but getting better

Denver Broncos v New York JetsGetty Images

How bad was Thursday night?s loss by the Jets?? Fireman Ed left at halftime and deleted his Twitter account.

Patriots defensive coordinator Matt Patricia says the impact of the very big Vince Wilfork comes from ?little things? that don?t show up on the stats sheet.

Bills DE Shawne Merriman is becoming more confident.

The Dolphins are considering various upgrades to their 25-year-old stadium.

The 17 rookies on the Browns? roster are learning about the Pittsburgh rivalry.

Bengals TE Jermaine Gresham is fueling his team?s recent run.

Ravens RB Ray Rice has only two 100-yard games this season, and he has averaged only 55.6 yards over the last five games.

The Steelers? home field will get ripped up on Saturday, with?four high-school games being played there.

Colts interim coach Bruce Arians calls Sunday?s visit from the Bills a playoff game; ?We have to take that approach because Buffalo is taking that approach,? Arians said.? ?They?re do-or-die, we better be do-or-die. That?s been our mindset all week.?

Titans RB Chris Johnson was happy to have a week off, but he ?wouldn?t have minded to keep on going,? given his recent run of success.

Jaguars QB Chad Henne knows that a key to getting the starting job beyond 2012 is to get the team?s first home win of the season on Sunday.

Texans coach Gary Kubiak didn?t regard getting kicked in the nuts to be a sufficient excuse for QB Matt Schaub?s failure to make the throw; ?He didn?t like that,? Kubiak said of Schaub.

Raiders FB Marcel Reece is finally getting the stats, but he?d prefer to be getting the wins.

Chiefs WR Dexter McCluster delivered Thanksgiving dinner to an elderly fan, and in return she gave him the business.

Broncos LB Von Miller is conjuring comparisons to Hall of Famer Derrick Thomas.

With Chargers LT Jared Gaither on IR, it?s time for undrafted free agent Mike Harris to step up.

Giants QB Eli Manning has a history of performing well after the bye week.? (So did Andy Reid.)

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is in ?awe? of Robert Griffin III.? (No one currently is in awe of the Cowboys.)

Redskins WR Pierre Gar?on ?suffered no setbacks? after a five-catch, 93-yard performance against Dallas.

With Eagles RB LeSean McCoy likely out, seventh-round rookie Bryce Brown is expected to get the bulk of the carries on Monday night.

Lions defensive end Willie Young loves fishing.? (He?ll have time to do plenty of it in January.)

Lost in the poor performance of the Bears? offensive line on Monday night is the fact that the Bears? defensive line wasn?t every good, either.

The unexpectedly good recovery of Vikings RB Adrian Peterson has left RB Toby Gerhart unexpectedly out of the mix for touches.

When the Packers face Detroit on December 9, Cory Uttech of Sheboygan will be the first non-player to perform the Lambeau Leap during a game.? (And then Ndamukong Suh will kick him in the crotch.)

Buccaneers DT Gerald McCoy calls rookie S Mark Barron ?a silent killer.?? (Barron likely has used the phrase ?silent but deadly? in reference to McCoy at some point this season.)

Saints safeties Roman Harper and Malcolm Jenkins are trying to forget what Vernon Davis did to them the last time they faced San Francisco.

After being shredded by LaRod Stephen-Howling, the Falcons are hoping for better run support against the Muscle Hamster.

The Panthers get another chance to prove they?re ready for primetime.? (Or to prove they?re not.)

The 49ers? kick and punt coverage units have improved significantly in recent weeks.

Coach Jeff Fisher realizes something has to give when the Rams, who haven?t won in five straight games, face an Arizona team that has lost six straight.

Cardinals defensive coordinator Ray Horton said that the intended message of the reduced use of S Adrian Wilson was ?do your job and do your job well.?

The Seahawks emerge from the bye week healthy and rested and ready for the stretch run.


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Valuable Home Improvement Advice To Remodel And Repair Your ...

So you?ve found this article. Now you should be ready for your home improvement project. Now is as good a time as any to make these changes. You probably have a lot of questions on how to start and what to do, but don?t worry, this article has you covered. Read on for some helpful hints to help get you on your way towards tackling your next project with confidence.

A good home improvement suggestions is taking the local conditions into account when doing a renovation. If the area you live in is windy, a deck might not be the best idea. If your renovation doesn?t make sense given your location, it may not add much value to your home.

The time you spend prepping your space before painting can save you both time and money on your home improvement project. If you are doing some painting, you must cover all furniture in advance. Paint can ruin furniture forever if it touches it. You can use sheets to put over your furniture so you can keep drips or splatters of paint away.

If you?re out of space in the kitchen, try a microwave which goes over the stove range. These microwaves replace the hood of the range and are available in many price ranges, depending on the features desired. Because most units have only a recirculating filter instead of a vent, they?re best suited for cooks who don?t require a strong venting solution.

Be certain to highlight the selling points of your house. Avoid blocking any windows that look onto a pond or water feature, and remove a canopy to display a tiered ceiling inside the master suite. Understand that keeping a view will increase the selling points of your home. This will showcase your home?s most special and desirable features to potential buyers.

Many home improvements are focused on making a home more energy-efficient, and one of them is simply purchasing a very useful bit of equipment. Instead of having all of your electronics plugged in, use a power strip. With a power strip, you can easily turn off, and back on, the power to all of your electronics. You can save energy by turning the strip off when you are not using it.

A great, simple project you can take on that sometimes goes overlooked is going around and removing the stains and spots in your carpets.? You would be surprised what a difference this makes in the look of your carpet and home.? There are many stain spot removers you can buy at the store or online that are powerful enough to remove set in stains.

Don?t leave anything out when you plan out your budget. When faced with unexpected expenses, your budget can take a critical hit as these pile up. By planning properly, you can stop this from happening and you are much more prepared for anything that may occur.

When considering home improvement projects, choose one room to tackle first. It is much easier to begin in one room and complete it before beginning the next project. You can also save more money if you plan ahead and coordinate your project with sales on the supplies you need. Plan carefully when you consider making improvements to your home if you want to save some money.

Now you are much more prepared when it comes to home improvement. You may have thought you were already ready; however, look at yourself now! These tips should help you get motivated to make changes to your home.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Iran's summer earthquake leaves 100,000 shivering in tents as winter descends

The Iranian government has failed to rebuild a remote province devastated by an August earthquake, leaving more than 100,000 Iranians in tents as winter arrives.?

By Afshin Valinejad,?Correspondent / November 22, 2012

A woman who survived the Aug. 11 Iranian earthquake works outside of tents set up as shelters for local residents.

Afshin Valinejad


As winter settles in on this remote province of Iran, a pair of earthquakes that devastated the area in mid-August will likely claim new lives.

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The Aug. 11 quakes devastated the mud and mud-brick houses typical of this area.?Of the 306 villages hit by the earthquakes, 65 were totally flattened, officials say.

Three months later, government promises to rebuild before winter have not been met, leaving more than 100,000 Iranians in tents waiting for fierce winter weather.?The area is known for hard winters with strong winds and rains and flooding that turn earth to mud.

Allahverdi Dehqani, a lawmaker from the region, told parliament on Nov. 18, "Unfortunately so far only 15 percent of the people in Varzaghan disaster area have been settled... mismanagement has meant that people in 63 villages still live in tents though the snow and cold has already arrived," according to Vatan Emrooz daily.

Still, on Nov. 19, Iran's Revolutionary Guard and voluntary Basij militia announced the completion of 772 housing units in the earthquake zone, part of 2,000 they committed to build by next month. More than 7,000 units to protect livestock from winter weather were also donated.?

"The Basij and Sepah have been with the people in the disaster area from the first moments of the earthquake and will remain close by them until the end of reconstruction and their problems are over," said Guard commander Mohammad Ali Jafari.

The risks are clear in this once-picturesque village, 400 miles northwest of Tehran. The use of electrical heaters with too-thin wiring started a fire that swept through 10 tents before dawn on Oct. 10, killing an elderly woman and injuring two children.

?When I heard the news?my whole body was shaking out of sadness and anger,? says Farzin Rezaei, a university student from Tabriz who has volunteered in the earthquake zone.?

?I could not imagine a lady of that age who lost [her home] once, facing a tough situation, now losing her life,? says Mr. Rezaei. ?The news pushed me deep down into a terrible feeling.?

That concern was echoed by Akbar, an aid worker with the Iranian Red Crescent who was with the rescue and firefighting team when the tent fire broke out. He asked that only his first name be published.

?It is already cold here. Two months passed since the disaster, and unfortunately the authorities failed to fulfill their promises: no temporary housing units, no rebuilt houses,? Akbar said last month.

?It?s not easy to witness these kind people facing so many difficulties? I saw someone use his blanket to protect his sheep [because] animals are more important to them, just vital,? says Akbar. ?The weather is going to be more unfriendly. You?can?t blame them for carelessness ? to keep an electric heater turned on next to them in a small tent while asleep.?

Government falls short

The earthquake brought a wave of criticism for what was seen as the authorities' slow response, and the lack of attention from officials in Tehran, who were preoccupied with preparations for the late-August summit of the Non-Aligned Movement. Senior Iranian officials were chagrined at the summit when visiting leaders offered condolences for the hundreds of dead, inadvertently highlighting how few public statements they themselves had made about Iran?s own tragedy.

Masoud Pezeshkian, a?lawmaker from Tabriz and former health minister,?noted that the state TV broadcaster IRIB made no breaking news reports, ?as if nothing has happened?and that is a question in the people?s mind.? Instead of reporting on the quake, he said, IRIB continued airing a comedy program.

Local officials say the criticism ? which continues, even as reconstruction is underway ? is undeserved.


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Wounded American tells of attack by Rome mob

Praxilla Trabattoni / NBC News

California native Nicholas Burnett, 20, stabbed in a pub in Rome where he was on his semester abroad studying at Temple University.

By Praxilla Trabattoni, NBC News

ROME ? An American college student suffered a foot-long stab wound and a punctured lung when a mob of up to 50 masked men armed with knives and baseball bats suddenly charged English soccer fans and others in a piazza in Italian capital Rome, he told NBC News.

Local media initially blamed Thursday's attack on hard core fans or "Ultras" supporting soccer team Lazio ? who played English team Tottenham on Thursday ? but two fans of bitter rivals Roma were among a group of 15 detained for alleged involvement in attack, suggesting a different motive.

Witnesses told local media that the attackers shouted "Jews, Jews" as they laid siege to the bar in a district popular with tourists in an old quarter of Rome, raising fears of far-right, racist violence, Reuters reported.

Ten people were injured in the attack and 25-year old Ashley Mills, reportedly an English Tottenham supporter, was left in critical condition. Mills was still hospitalized on Friday, the wire service said.

Tried to run
Nicholas Burnett, 20, of Anaheim, Calif., told NBC News he was standing outside the bar with some friends when he saw "40 to 50 storm into the piazza."

At first, he said they looked "just like a bunch of guys wearing costumes," but the seriousness of the situation quickly became clear.

"Some were wearing helmets, others had scarves covering their faces and all of them were carrying weapons, of all sorts. Sticks, bats, wooden planks, some were swinging their thick belts with heavy buckles," Burnett said.

"All of a sudden they started charging towards the bar. I tried to run away from them and one of the guys broke away from the crowd and took a swing at me over the head with what I though was a baseball bat," he said.

"But judging by my wound it was not a baseball bat, but more like a knife. I ran as fast as I could away from them. ... A couple of minutes later, I realized I was bleeding when I touched my back and felt the T-shirt all wet," he added.

Yara Nardi / Reuters

A pub is seen damaged after a fight in downtown Rome on Thursday.

As he fled, he met two students from John Cabot University, who tried to hail a taxi to take him to hospital, but the first driver "refused to take me in his car because I was all bloodied and still bleeding profusely," Burnett said.

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Burnett, who is on a semester abroad at Temple University in Rome, where he is studying business and Italian, was stabbed in the upper-right side of his back down to his left side, he told NBC. The stabbing punctured his right lung, he said.

"I had so many?stitches?that when I asked the doctors how many they were, they weren't even able to tell me. They simply said, 'Too many,'" he said.

'Very, very scared'
Burnett said he was initially unable to speak to the police because of the pain, but said he had been getting "great care" from medical staff.

"I would like to tell my friends and family back at home that I am OK," he said. "Although I was very, very scared."

Burnett said the attackers moved in unison like "clockwork."

"I don't know how they organized it so well, but that's what made it so scary ... to see them all coming at once threateningly waving what appeared to be makeshift weapons," he said.

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He said the attackers were "hurling anything they could find ...?including chairs, tables, stools, bottles, shards from the broken windowpanes, bottles, glasses," he said.

Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno has expressed deep concern about the attack and said he hoped the police would quickly track down those responsible.

"We were all just having a drink, we weren't there for the football (soccer). I don't care for football at all and I don?t know anything about it," Burnett said.

NBC News' Ian Johnston and Reuters contributed to this report.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pakistan Cuts Mobile Phone Service Country Wide | Geekosystem

The government of Pakistan and mobile phone carriers in the country have cut cellular service in major cities like Quetta and Karachi in the wake of a string of?terrorist?bombings that have shaken the country. It? the second time this month the government has attempted to disrupt communications between terrorists by taking the rather drastic step of eliminating cell phone coverage to wide swathes of the nation?s urban centers.

This weekend marks an important celebration on the Shi?ite holy calendar that is commemorated by processions of the faithful marching through the streets. More than 12 people have already died in bombings up processions so far this week, and the government ?is hoping that cutting communications between militants responsible for the bombings can help to stem the violence.

It?s uncertain how effective the tactic will prove this weekend, as this marks the second time Pakistan has eliminated all cell phone coverage in an area to try and impair the ability of terrorists to communicate with one another or set of explosive devices using triggers employing cellular signals. The first attempt met with limited success, but it?s not the only tactic the government is employing by any means ? as many as 5,000 troops will be patrolling the streets as well, looking to keep the peace.

(via Reuters)

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Celebrate Your Mates Birthday In Budget Hotel New Delhi

Gone are the days when birthdays were wished by presenting a flower bouquet. Gifting flowers suits the occasions like Valentines Day or friendship day. If you are living in Delhi then you can give a surprise to your mate. Throwing a birthday bash is the best way you can shock your mate.

You dont need to plan anything for him/her as there are many budget hotels New Delhi that are catering every need of the people. Along with the opulent accommodation these hotels are veteran in organizing a party or any other event. What is your role to select the appropriate hotel?

Leave the rest on hotel staff. These hotels have all kind of arrangements including musicians, food, decorators, party halls, and separate party hall for couple. Remember to plan a few days before the birthday because chances may happen that all the hotels have been booked already. It happens generally in the festival season where tourists all across the globe visit to national capital, New Delhi.

Though these hotels have their own packages but you can also tell them your planning to make the arranges as you want. If you dont want to spend too much money then you can just book a table. Reserve the intimate table for two in advance. Tell the hotel staff to use a romantic theme for decoration. You can choose to stay in these hotels with your husband or wife and spend an awesome weekend.

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Bene Trends franchising present world Magazine, Financial ...

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20 (PRWEB) November 2012

more and more business owners are responsible for funding, looking to develop a strategy that can give them develop a number of units. The most common situation is the desire to grab three more than two to three years the window. Financial multi-unit development can be difficult in the past, but since the debt crisis of the 2008 Financing multi-unit strategy is more challenging than ever before. Although each situation and the needs of entrepreneurs are different, one thing is universal, like finance the funding of the first unit to affect your ability to future devices. In other words, if the financing of the first unit, without considering how it will affect your ability to obtain additional financing, it is basically no options to pay for the second and third pieces. In this sense, we find a few different scenarios and some possible strategies to successfully get the necessary financing is a complex franchisees.

scenarios and strategies

All capital funding strategy is needed, either fully fund the project without financing or capital of the loan (typically SBA loans). Let us know where you are going to start the money you need. Request quotes with friends and family is a popular strategy, but if you believe in what William Shakespeare wrote his Hamlet, neither a borrower or a lender, the loan often loses itself and friend, simply put, borrowing from friends and family can not always be the best option. Home Equity Loans were the traditional sources of funding for entrepreneurs, but since the real estate crash, home equity loans are not as popular as they once were, and are certainly more difficult to obtain. In many cases, the capital lost as lower home values. This leaves us with personal savings or by taking advantage of the 401 (k) assets in SBA financing.

If you are funded enough resources for the project, in whole or in enough capital for the loan, you are in good shape before. However, many business plans today most of their savings into retirement locked as IRAs and 401 (k) s, premature wearing heavy penalties and tax consequences. For example, if you have a $ 200k IRA or 401 (k), and to take an early withdrawal, you may have a penalty of 10% and up to 30% of ordinary income to pay taxes, leaving you with only $ 120k and $ 200k in the original. The last thing you want to do if you lose your business. 40% of working capital taxes and penalties on your savings Fortunately, with a popular strategy as 401 (k) takes (rollover business startup) is known, you can avoid it.

This program was developed many years ago, and you can use the funds for your retirement account, deferred tax and penalty free. Nearly 30 years Bene Trends PA is in Wales, this strategy was used to finance most of the brands in the franchising industry.

was in a recent 401 (k) rollover funds for more than 10% of franchises sold in the United States therefore be used when you need to use the savings that have qualified for the pension system, such as an IRA or (401 (k), this type of program that you leave with more capital, a multi-unit Goals Own goals will.

Now you know where you?re going to get the money that is what the best way to take in to this multi-unit financing strategy? Balancing the use of cash for financing critical if you are looking to a number of units are to be financed. Listed below are just some of the possible scenarios, but hopefully will give you some ideas about possible strategies.

fully fund the capital itself, the opening of one of its major reserves is present, and the goal is to open three stores in 24 months for the following reasons:

1? Make a 30% interest contribution to the total cost of the launch of the store # 1 and 70% funded by the SBA loan.

2? Nine months later, inject 30% of total costs for the store to start # 2 (# 1, if the business has become profitable, and you are close to or have exceeded the original projections) and financed 70% by the second SBA loan.

3? After 12-18 months, if store # 1 is completely viable and store # 2 is broken and makes the forecasts look for the extension of the loan shops # 1 and # 2 # 3 opens a store in 30% of the total cost of the project and the loan cash flow and asset store to ensure # 1 and # 2

this strategy, you can keep, to use more personal property and cash flow in the first two branches, to guarantee a third site. You can then commit cash collateral to the lender, additional collateral coverage store # 3, at the same time, you can keep on those assets and borrow against them need is to reduce the interest expenses. Moreover, you can keep 10% of the funds available for additional working capital or, if necessary, obtain a safety net during the ramp up and development.

store # 1 is easy and profitable store # 2 is broken and makes the projections:

1? Inject would finance 30% of the start-up costs for store # 3 and 70% by an additional SBA loan you (now injected with a total of 110% of the opening of the signal shop will be the ability to inject an additional 10% come from the cash store # 1 and # 2, and you would have to open 3 stores, not just one, which is earlier you originally able to self-fund were.) Suppose Nether transactions in financial difficulties and can be both a guarantee to the third place, it is still possible to get the funds for a third shop.

In almost all cases you should look for a maximum loan amount, you can save systems # 1 Normally, a new franchise, this means 70% of the available collateral. This allows you to keep your cash cash flow, if you need more working capital and make the maximum contribution to a different location. If enough time has elapsed (ie24 months) and the first two places are good to get a loan extension (up to 90% of the total project cost), it is possible to # 3 Save This is especially true if the cash flow from operations # 1 and # 2 can help to support the debt service shop # 3 If Stores # 1 and # 2 full debt service shop # 3 is possible for the 100% financing.

Each situation is unique and personal goals are often different as well. Some business owners need to be sure that they are provided in the plan is likely to work and maintain rest until as much volatility as possible is removed from the equation. Some entrepreneurs prefer other peoples money in advance to plan as much as possible and are willing to risk more uncertainty. Every business owner needs to understand the individual, and what others may not accept a with exactly the same economic conditions. The best advice is to give a reliable Finance Specialist to check on your accounts, give them a thorough understanding of your goals and allow them to give you the opportunity a personalized strategy for your business.

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Joanna Krupa Calls Off Engagement?Claims She?s Sex Deprived

Joanna Krupa Calls Off Engagement…Claims She’s Sex Deprived

“Real Housewives of Miami” star Joanna Krupa has split from of beau of five years, Romain Zago. Krupa confirmed to the media that the engagement is off! The 33-year-old Polish model and reality star confirmed news of the split to Access Hollywood on Tuesday. Krupa said, “We got in a huge fight, and I just ...

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Adele - Travel To The Beautiful Village In Ireland

There are many famous villages in the world. Some villages are well known by the beautiful natural sceneries. Some villages have rich cultural landscapes. Adele is such a beautiful village which becomes famous all over the world for its both natural and cultural landscapes. Adele has many thatched cottages, noble and mysterious castles, ancient stores, ivy dotted monasteries and the world's top golf courses. When these attractive elements are concentrated in Adele, it seems that you come into a fairy tale world.
Adele lies in the east coast of Maigue River. The row of pretty thatched cottage beside the road is a landmark of the town which often appears in TV and magazines. It is absolutely stunning. In the stone wall, there are beautiful lawns. The brushed white walls, the thatched roof, the red, green windows and the flowers constitute a great visual impact.
Adele has different views throughout the year. The view in autumn is better. The trees in the roadside are in golden color. If you want to enjoy a vacation, Adele is your best choice. It is suitable for weekend leisure travel. The road in Ireland is very developed which is good for traveling by car. Especially on weekends, cars on the road will absolutely increase because there are too many leisure activities all round the Ireland Islands.
After parking your car, you'd better experience the village on foot. Naturally, you can't miss the row of pretty thatched cottages. There are about seven or eight cottages which look like private residences, very lovely. In fact, these thatched houses are used as stores, bars and cafes. Nevertheless, they still attract numerous tourists. You can buy some Adele unique arts, crafts and gadgets in the store. When the weather becomes nice, you can ask for a glass of Guinness in the courtyard of The Blue Door restaurant and enjoy your own peaceful moment here.
After visiting the thatched houses, you can go to the opposite medieval monastery. The abbey has a long history which is the true landmark of Adele of the town. The church is built by stones. It looks like a castle.

Next to the church, there is an ancient store. It sells a variety of arts and crafts, as well as tourism products such as Adele's album. If you have enough time, you can stay here for a moment. I believe you will have a better understanding of Adele's history and culture.?
The luxurious Adele Manor is also famous which covers a broad area. The forest, lake, meadow, castle integrated. You can't see the edge of the forest. There are many world-class facilities, including a variety of exotic housings, the orchestrated Golf Championship, luxury spa, Equestrian Centre and several distinctive restaurants. Here, you will never feel lonely and boring.
The main body of the castle has been turned into a hotel. The facilities inside are unparalleled luxury. But it retains some previous decorations at the same time. Adele manor attracts some famous tourists including the former U.S. President Bill Clinton and the world's golf champion Tiger Woods which added luster to Adele.
Apart from enjoying the comfortable leisure time in this beautiful village, why not record what you see into videos? You can share these beautiful sceneries with your friends. If you recorded the video and want to convert avi to quicktime mac, I believe this avi to quicktime converter will help you a lot.

About the Author:
If you want to know about this beautiful village, please feel free to contact with me. If you want to get more details about how to convert videos on mac, you can also refer to convert avi to mov mac, or convert avi to m4v mac.


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